A 31-Day Challenge for Radical Living

In Narrow Minded: A 31-Day Challenge for Radical Living, Dante Moore challenges us by unraveling the tolerant approach to Westernized Christian living. This devotional is revolutionary in its call, provoking believers through challenging questions and uplifting prayers in order to cultivate a mind focused on the narrow.

Narrow Minded: A 31-Day Challenge for Radical Living by Dante Moore



For 31 days start your journey off with a quote to impact your life and force you to rethink your walk.


Examine a break down of the quote through relatable experiences, scriptural basis, and a call to action.


Utilize critical thinking and self examination daily through answering questions that invite transparency and honesty.


Engage the text and activate your faith through challenges designed only for those willing to walk on the narrow path like Jesus.


Seal each day with open communication to allow God to have His way through you so that you can be conformed to His image and likeness.


Apply God's word in real-time with timely and relevant scriptures through the provided text and translations.

Day 9 (Doubt)

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Dante Moore is a passionate believer and advocate for the Kingdom of God. As a change agent in the city of Philadelphia, he enjoys laboring among the people of God to make sustainable impact and build leaders through the gospel. His mission is to co-labor among believers to help extract their full potential, by way of exposing their identity in Christ that they may properly live out the gospel in their context.

He debuted as an author in 2018 with his first book, Narrow Minded: A 31-Day Challenge for Radical Living. Over the years Dante has had the opportunity to serve local communities, speak at college campuses, urban outreach events, conferences, workshops, feature on panels, and much more. In addition to the release of his first literary work, he along with his wife D’ani Moore are spear-heading Made 4 Moore, as they work together to help unveil to the world how to measure success in a life of purpose lived out in every area. In addition, the Moore’s continue to cultivate the vision of a citywide volunteer non-profit ministry in Philadelphia titled Project (215), Inc. - founded in 2008.


Boot Camp for Believers

I found Narrow Minded to be like a "boot camp" for believers. If you're tired of making the same mistakes-- in multiple areas of your life-- this book will serve as a gut check. The book provides tough questions and workable solutions to help align your spiritual life with your real life.

Simple, raw & honest!

Awesome book! Really allowed me to dig deep into some things I need to change as far as my walk with God and others. Simple, raw and honest.

Narrow Minded is a must!

The devotional narrow minded you have to go get it. I even put down my own personal devotional reading to support my brother. Once I opened it was going through all the quotes and the gems day by day and it keeps you focused and narrow on the main thing as the main thing which is Christ. Go get a copy right now.

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